• M6J2+8P8, Kanithi Road, Gonthinavanipalem, Gajuwaka,
    Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530026

  • 7801056068

General Rule

“To obey God’s order as delivered by conscience is duty, to obey man’s order as issued by rightful authority is discipline. The foundations of both are denial of self for higher good. Unless the lesson of duty be first well learned, the lesson of discipline can be imperfectly understood”.

Rules Regarding Leaves or Absence :

1. The student must attend school regularly. No leave of absence shall be granted except for serious reasons. Absence on the first day after each vacation or the day before a vacation without prior permission or a grave reason, will be considered a serious offence and pupil will be fined/ expelled from the class.

2. Application for leave, even those who applied through letter, should be recorded in the Diary at the column provided.

3. Leave of absence must be obtained from the Principal only.

4. Leave, other than on health reasons should be applied in advance through a hand-written letter as per the form provided in the Diary.

5. Parents alone must in every case sign the application for leave. Oral messages will be ignored.

6. Sick/Medical Leave : If more than one day, a leave letter is to be submitted, addressed to the Principal, stating the case on the second day itself. If more than three days , a medical/doctor’s Certificate is to be submitted during absence or on return, depending on the number of days required.

7. Pupils absent from examination without grave reason will be considered as having failed. Pupil absent from any examination will not be re-examined.

8. After seven days of continuous absence without intimation, the absentee’s name will be struck off the roll. Pupils who absent themselves from the classes for more than Seven Days after re-opening of the school, will be struck off the rolls. If re-admitted he/she should pay the admission fee. Those who leave the school for good, should inform the office about it

9. The working day is divided into two sessions. The morning session starts from 8.45 a.m to 12.30 p.m and the afternoon session from 1.00 p.m to 4.15 p.m. [for lower classes L.K.G. to II upto 4.00 p.m.]

10. Students are expected to be punctual to school. Late comers must report to the Principal. They are seldom excused. The habitual late comers will be asked to pay fine after giving four written warnings.

11. School diary should be up-to-date and be brought to school daily. The condition and the maintenance of it will demonstrate the nature and interest of the child/care of Parents.

12. At the second bell, morning and afternoon, all the pupils must be in their respective lines towards their classes in silence.

13. Students are reminded to maintain an atmosphere of silence in their class rooms.

14. Students, who fail consecutively for two years in any class, will be asked to leave the school. The school authorities cannot on any account re-admit such student to the same class.

15. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home-work, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the staff or bad moral influence, justify dismissal. Students must behave in a gentlemanly manner both inside and outside the school. Students should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.

16. Students must be up-to-date in their work. The Principal may look into their books at any time.

17. Any damage done to school property, will be made good by the one who has done it. Inscription on the furniture or on the walls is strictly forbidden and punishable. Develop a sense of respect for the public property.

18. Withdrawls of children from class for mere social functions is not recommended because it retards the child’s progress in school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard workto change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

19. Students are not allowed to wear jewellery. The school is not responsible for the loss of jewellery, money or any other valuable worn/ kept by the children.

20. Students must be clean and tidy in their person and dress. Students must come in their proper school uniform. Parents are requested to look into that before the child leaves for the school.

21. Pupils must supply themselves with all the necessary books and stationery before the re-opening of the school. A pupil who fails to get the necessary items within the appointed time will not be allowed to attend classes.

22. Pupils themselves are responsible for their belongings such as : Books, Fountain Pens, Umbrella, Tiffin-carriers and other articles they may bring to school.

23. Every pupil should endeavour to keep up the standard of the school excelling in good manners and deportment. Hence for the smooth running of the school no student is allowed to bring to the school premises, any articles liable to prove a source of disturbance. Eg: Crackers, Pistols, Tops, Cell phones, Electronic gadgets etc.

24. No text books, note books, or other papers are to be brought into the examination hall. Students found copying or using unfair means during the examination or are discovered subsequently, will be dealt with severely.

25. Students are strictly forbidden to go to other class rooms unless they are asked to do so by teachers for some pecific purpose. No student should remain in the class during the intervals.

26. Promotion may be denied to the pupils if in the opinion of the Principal his/her attendance each month is founded unsatisfactory. Results declared at the end of the year are final and they will not be reconsidered under any circumstances.

27. Pupils are strictly forbidden to introduce any sort of comics and objectionable literature into the school or to purchase any articles of food from any unauthorized dealers at or near the school premises.

28. Every pupil must take part in the school games and other activities unless declared unfit physically or exempted by the Principal.

29. No school business will be transacted during the holidays.

30. Students should wear the Identity card everyday.